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We are Iranian, Jewish and Hindu Queenslanders. The Greens Don't Stand for Us.

This campaign is a grassroots collaboration to raise awareness of Greens' party extremism.

Endorsed by:

Iran Novin Party
Australian Jewish Association

Australian Hindu Association

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The Greens Support the Islamic Republic of Iran's Terror Proxies.

With the endorsement of the local Iran Novin Party, we’re making the claim that The Australian Greens support the Iranian Regime’s terror proxies.

How does this claim stack up? 

Merriam Webster dictionary definitions of support include to “assist or help” and to “promote the interests or cause of”. Let’s look at one of the proscribed terror proxies of the regime – Hezbollah - the army that effectively controls Lebanon. Iran funds approximately 90% of Hezbollah's costs.

After 9 months of near-daily missile attacks in proclaimed support of the rapists and murderers of Oct 7, Hezbollah/Iran finally caused a mass casualty event: 12 children playing soccer in Majdal Shams, killed by a direct missile strike on July 27, 2024.  IN RESPONSE, Adam Bandt, the leader of Greens, falsely accused the Israeli government of conducting a genocide and CALLED FOR SANCTIONS ON ISRAEL.  The post was viewed by 44,000 people.  

Was that HELPING or hindering Hezbollah?  

On Sept 29, 2024 in Sydney, Greens Senator Mehreen Feruqi Spoke at a rally openly supporting Hezbollah, where flags of the proscribed terror organisation were openly flown, and portraits of Hassan Nasrallah were paraded through the streets. Link is in the comments. 

It's pretty safe to say Feruqi “promoted the interests or cause of” Hezbollah on this occasion!

So, you decide: are the Greens supporting the Iranian regime’s proxy, Hezbollah, or not?

The Greens promote Hamas and Hezbollah, terrorisers of the Jewish people.

We are also making the claim that The Australian Greens support the terrorisers of Jews and Jewish communities.


How does this claim stack up? 

Merriam Webster dictionary definitions of support include to “assist or help” and to “promote the interests or cause of”.


Take a look at our page and see if anything we have posted to date supports the claim that the Greens have taken action or made statements that "assist, help, or promote the interests or cause of" those who terrorise Jews & Jewish communities, here and overseas.

Whether it is Michael Berkman in his motion to Parliament demonising the Jewish State and calling for sanctions which support Iranian proxy Hamas, or Greens trio Bandt, Shoebridge & Faruqi calling for sanctions on Israel in support of Hezbollah, it amounts to the same thing:

It’s helping organisations that have explicitly stated genocidal goals with respect to Jews and have killed Jews, for being Jews, all over the world.

Over the next few weeks we will document more examples of Greens support for terrorists, focusing on QLD Greens and Green Candidates, but also going back to 2014 when Greens soon-to-be Deputy Leader Scott Ludlum ignored the unfolding Yazidi genocide, to instead demonise Israel for responding to yet another series of Hamas terror attacks. This is not a new phenomenon for the Greens!


The Greens demonise Hindu culture and communities.

We are also making the claim that The Australian Greens demonise Hindu communities in Australia.

We are making the claim that The Australian Greens demonise Hindu culture and persistently vilify Hindus, Hindu leaders, and Hindu organisations.

How does this claim stack up?

The Merriam Webster dictionary definitions of demonise and vilify include:

1) to portray (someone or something) as evil or as worthy of contempt or blame;

2) to utter slanderous and abusive statements against (someone or something).

Let’s start!

Greens Senator David Shoebridge has made the following claims about Hindu groups in Australia:

In NSW Parliament, Shoebridge accused Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) of being a right-wing cover for extremist Hindus.

Shoebridge described VHP as being neo-Nazis, militaristic and religious extremists.

Shoebridge stated VHP has no place in NSW schools.

Shoebridge stated that Hindu nationalists were the cause of an attack on Sikhs in Sydney at Harris Park.

For the record, Vishwa Hindu Parishad Australia contributes towards Australia’s multicultural society through learning about Hindu arts, heritage, language and education and is taught in NSW schools.

Shoebridge, as a member of the Greens political party, should know that his party claims to value multiculturalism and celebrate diversity – or so they say!


Did Shoebridge provide evidence for his statements?

Do you think his statements were slanderous?

Was he implying Hindus were worthy of contempt or blame?


Also, please see a letter of endorsement from Australian Hindu Association ( regarding our campaign against the Greens.

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